February 24, 2013
Where’s “This Old Nerd” Now?
A lot of folks have been asking, “Hey! Where’s ‘This Old Nerd?'” The show is pretty much over, but it lives on in spirit at TWiT.tv as “Know How…:.
If you didn’t know I got a gig at TWiT.tv and now do a tech how-to show with Leo Laporte entitled “Know How…”
I encourage all of you to come over to watch our episodes. Thank you for your support! We record live every Thursday starting at 3PM Pacific. Join us and the chat room as we put together a fun project every week.
Update (12/25/2013): Well that was a good run. I’m taking a position at CNET in January of 2014. What does that mean for this show? We’ll see. Hang tight.
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