Meditation Kit: Using tech to tame your brain! | S03E10
Iyaz’s brain is noisy at times, so it’s been recommended he meditate (particularly mindfulness meditation). So, he turned to tech. He mainly uses the app Buddhify (available on iOS and Android). But the thing is, sometimes stuff goes wrong. The app doesn’t load on a particular phone. Or the app is fine, but on a device that is dead. So, here comes the meditation kit.
But, of course, Iyaz didn’t stop there. He wanted to get those guided meditations, so he found a way to extract the audio files.
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Apps Iyaz uses:
00:00 – The project
00:33 – Why meditation?
01:30 – Tech for meditation
02:30 – The meditation kit
03:05 – Origins of the meditation kit
03:53 – The kit explained
04:51 – Best practices for your old phone
05:50 – Not happy. Need to extract the audio.
06:26 – How to get audio from an iPad app
06:55 – Figuring out which audio file is which
08:09 – A snag with the audio files
08:51- Partner acceptance rating (How your tech impacts the people you live with)
10:25 – Support the show!
11:08 – Post-credit scene/Cheddar